Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Taos Poem 2

Who leaps into the center of Chaos?

Consider powerful men wearing fine suits,

whose shoulders are lined with stars,

or pundits
whose words click from their keyboards
or spit across the airwaves
into the wild confusion of debate.

Consider those who,
eyes wide,
smile the sad smile of duty,

whose expectant brown eyes
will be scorched with fear,
forever cleansed by the many ways one can die in war.

Theirs are the words of contemplation,
the candlelight of being,
the murmuring lips of prayer,
that light feared by all.

They enter that light,
while others—
their suits and uniforms
unstained by blood or debris—
can only avert their eyes
and clear their throats

and keep talking,
assuring us that all is well.

But who dives into the eye of God?

1 comment:

Donita Curioso said...

I read this when you first posted it but it didn't sink in. I had other things on my mind.

But reading it just now I'm kind of stunned and yes, it did sink in. It's beautiful, Jeff. Sad and terrible but also beautiful.