Friday, February 24, 2006


I followed the Buddhist nun's advice and tried to accept everything that happened to me last night. It was pretty easy because it was late and nothing much happened before I went to bed.

But today was a different story.

My colleague was off taking his comps for his Masters today and I had the class all to myself. That's two hours along with 60 students to be followed by two more hours along with 60 more students.

I had planned for part of my lesson to be done one PowerPoint, so I brought in my laptop and hooked it up to our elaborate audio-visual thing. I couldn't get the LED projector to project my PowerPoint on the big screen. I tried several times while the students worked on other things. I finally just accepted that I was missing some step and that I needed to approach the lesson some other way before I began to waste the students' time. So I told the students what I wanted them to do and they did it. Once I got them working, I tied a couple more times , but it didn't work.

But the students completed the assignment and the disruption was minor.

Sometimes, I need to accept that I've got a typewriter brain trying to function in a computer world.

1 comment:

Donita Curioso said...

Crayon brain here.

Sounds like you handled things well.