Monday, May 16, 2005

Household Hints: How to Boil an Egg

I recently experienced the loss of both my barbecue and potato salad mojos. I have regained the barbecue mojo, but the potato salad mojo eludes me.

The last two times I tried making potato salad, I had difficulty boiling the eggs long enough. The eggs came out soft boiled instead of hard boiled.

This last time, I managed to peel the shell off and found the white a little runny. The time before that, I tried micrwaving an unpeeled egg and discovered the incredible edible egg's explosive properties.

But, this time, I figured that, without the shell, perhaps there would be no harm in boiling the peeled, undercooked egg for 30 seconds.

When I took it out, the white was still a little soft. I thought that nuking it for 30 seconds more might be risky.

Then it dawned on me-if you nuke a potato, you're supposed to poke holes in it. The egg is potato-shaped. The principle must be the same. So, I got a skewer and found out what happens if you poke a hole into an egg that has been nuked for 30 seconds.

It'll explode.

If you hold it close, it will explode in your face.

God, it was bitchen.


Howlin' Hobbit said...

That is one funny post! Thanks.

On a more serious note...

Put your eggs in a pot, put enough water in to cover them. Cover the pot. Bring it to a full, rolling boil. As soon as it's boiling turn the heat off. Leave the lid on. Let sit for 15 minutes. Run cold water over them and then peel. Perfect hardboiled eggs.

Oh yeah... add a dash of salt or vinegar to the water before you boil and if there's a cracked shell you won't get all that albumen spew.

Howlin' Hobbit (
Got Uke?

vivage said...

Bwhahahahaha, HH, you've given exactly the same egg advice as I have and Nuffy still thinks I'm lacking egg mojo.
I use salt in my water, rather than vinegar so thats an added element to the mix.

Nuff, It's really not recommended that you hard boil eggs in the microwave. Steam pressure ya know and the whites are dense enough to not let the steam escape until it builds up enough pressure to blow off your glasses or the glass in your microwave.

Donita Curioso said...

How does one lose one's mojo?