Thursday, January 01, 2009

Climax Interruptus

I have this condition called the I'm-Almost-Done-with-This-Book syndrome. I had an attack today.

It occurs when I'm reading a book and I have gotten to the climax and, just as the tension is building, I get a phone call, someone drops by to tell me about Mormonism, or something explodes and I have to run out of the house for my dear life.

Anyway, I have been reading this one book since summer. It's called Cloudsplitter and it's about the abolitionist John Brown as told by his son Owen, the last surviving member of the raiding party at Harper's ferry, who, by the way, settled in a shack out in Alta Dena after the raid, tending goats and sheep. He's an enigmatic figure because he kept to himself and never much talked about his father or the raid.

Anyway, I've got 20 pages left and I am at the part where the raider's kidnap George Washington's nephew, Col. Lewis Washington, and take him and others hostage in the fire station, when the phone rings. It's a friend. We talk for a bit. I get back to the book.

The phone rings again, just as Oliver Brown walks out of the fire station with a white flag and a hostage and gets shot. Another friend.

It happens again and I let the phone ring and the answering machine clicks on. It's Do. I am 5 pages away from finishing this book, so I figure I'll call her back. She will hopefully understand.

This happens to me almost every time I read a book and get close to the end. I get into the rhythm of the final moments and am really engrossed in what may happen next and I get interrupted. That's why I prefer reading late at night.


VO said...

Hmmmm, did your brother call you right about the last page tonight?

Why do you answer the phone anyway?

I don't.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm down with that too. Most of the time I'll answer my phone (I don't get that many calls) but I figure I've got the thing for my convenience. If I'm busy with something I just remember that that's why Jaysus flang voice mail... and I leave it where he flang it.

Donita Curioso said...

Heh! I'll have to remember that. Leave it where Jaysus flang it.

vizing- the act of gazing upon a view while shielding your eyes from the sun.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

HH: I often do ignore. But the bell still rings. Kind of like the Tell-Tale Heart, or the Tell-Tale Phone, or the Tell-Tele Phone. Forgive the sloppy Poe allusion.

VO said...

A very simple solution to the Pavlov's dog dilemma is to unplug your phone when you are reading.

A tip from Heloise

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Sloppy Poe, sounds like the name of a sandwich I would never want to eat.

Donita Curioso said...

Yep. You really want to leave a Sloppy Poe where Jaysus flang it.

catis- a zen consideration of a cat.

VO said...

Poe boy sandwich?