Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Thought Obama Was Going to Wait for Me

I missed much of the inauguration festivities today. I had to go to Kaiser and do my annual diabetes triathlon with a registered nurse. The good news: I can still see , feel, and my blood pressure is down.

My intention was to go very early so I could wait in the waiting room and watch Obama's speech. But I couldn't find my car key, which has the little beeper alarm thingy attached to it. My first thought was that either Ruby or Pearl had nabbed it. They come from a long line of technology-eatin' dogs and have chomped down on a remote control or two themselves.

I spent an hour or so rummaging through places where I might have put it accidentally. Finally, I found it on the counter under the mail.

But I was an hour late for my appointment and the inauguration had already passed.

So I went to Kaiser anyway to see if I could get in because it says on the little card that no appointment was necessary, even though they had scheduled an appointment for me.

They told me to come back at 2 because they had an opening then

So I went to Starbucks and had some tea. Then, I went to Magnolia Bird Farm to look at the parrots and such.

They and some new birds in stock, many of which I had never seen before, species-wise. I am toying with the idea of getting a couple of birds, but am only at the early window-shopping stage. I used to have a few birds a long time ago and learned not to get another unless I could commit some time to it. While beautiful additions to any home, parrots and related birds are not good furniture. Canaries and finches, while they may appreciate the free food and water, would just as soon you leave them be. Parrots and related birds are very social and need attention.

They have a variety of cockatoos and Macaws at this place. But I'm thinking about smaller birds.

Actually, I'm toying with the idea of raising either parakeets or cockatiels.

Among the details of my visit, I noticed that a couple of Macaws had plucked their breast feathers out. I have a feeling this place is also a convalescent home for birds who have been neglected because the people here are very attentive to their stock. They hand raise many of their birds and give them lots of attention.

Another detail: there were at least three woodpeckers in the cages--two with the Indian Ringnecks and one with another mish-mosh of parrots.

Visiting this place relaxes me.

Speaking of relaxing, I walked the Roob and saw that fox again. This time, I got a real good look at him.


VO said...

Cockatiels. Good with people especially if you hand raise them. They are very, very social birds.

Those dogs of yours might like them too, in a bad way. Are they jumpers? (Some of the other mocha offspring are) You might think before you get a bird if they are jumpers.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

If I get any bird, and I won't right away, I plan to get a large, sturdy cage with a very solid legs for both safety and room for the birds to move around in.