Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Minor Correction

Ok. Sagittarius does NOT have a fish tail. I'm getting my mythological figures confused. Sagittarius is a centaur. He is the archer. My bad.

CAPRICORN is the other one with the fish tail. It's a goat/Sea serpent kind of thing.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Hey there. I'm a Cap and the last time I looked, I didn't have a fish tail. I DO love the water and my beloved, who happens to be a Picses, but oh my god, I hate boats so much, because after all, I'm a land sign. I don't like to fly much either, which makes getting to Hawaii hard, but that's okay because as I look to my right I see my little Aloha Royal soprano and think to myself, I got my Aloha spirit right there.

I'm enjoying reading your blog.